Optimize your job postings. Get the right applicants.

Get real-time feedback on your job posting and double its response rate in minutes. Eliminate subconscious gender bias, improve readability and attract more diverse, qualified talent.


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Increase your job listing's
response rate.

The language and content of your job postings are the biggest variables in determining whether a candidate applies for the job or not.

Polyhire not only improves the engagement of your job descriptions, but also improves the effectiveness and return-on-investment of your hiring campaigns.

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Stand out and attract better talent.

The best talent are looking for a great company and culture fit. They look out for opportunities that encourage growth or an inclusive culture.

Polyhire tells you what to add into your listings to attract the best candidates who want to join your mission.

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Reduce gender bias. Attract diverse candidates.

Many words used in job postings contain a subconscious gender bias. Research has shown that gendered language that contains gender bias puts people off applying to jobs.

Polyhire detects gender-coded language and gives you recommendations on how to reduce subconscious bias in your job postings.

Increase productivity of recruiters.

Recruiters spend half their time sourcing great candidates. However, many of those candidates decide not to pursue the role after reading the job description.

Polyhire helps you change that. With a job description that resonates with the candidate, you will see an increase in conversion rate of your recruiting and hiring funnel.

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Optimize your job listings. Attract diverse talent.

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